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Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

The regular IPython kernel for Jupyter is launched like this: python -m ipykernel_launcher <arguments..>

If you just prefix that command with rye run, uv run, poetry run, pdm run, hatch run, etc, then you get a kernel invocation that executes in the current pyproject's environment. That's basically the whole magic of this package, it doesn't need to do more.

Why do I have to install ipykernel manually?

The IPython kernel is the interpreter that executes everything in the notebook, and it needs to be installed together with all the dependencies the notebook wants to import. However only one installation of JupyterLab (or equivalent notebook program) is necessary, and should be separate from the notebook.

For Uv, the default command is uv run --with ipykernel which creates an overlay environment containing ipykernel if it wasn't already installed. This makes it possible to skip ipykernel in the project dependencies if desired.

Does Pyproject Local Kernel require Uv or Rye?

No, neither of them are strictly required to use. Any supported project manager is enough, or even none for custom or vitualenv configurations.

For development of the project and running tests, Rye and Uv are required.

How to setup for VSCodium or VS Code?

The vscode-jupyter extension instructs that you must install jupyter in a python environment to use the extension. Install pyproject-local-kernel in that particular environment, and it will work. If doing this from scratch, you can setup a new environment with both jupyter and pyproject-local-kernel.

It's possible you need to use the command Python: Select Interpreter to select the environment.

  • The jupyter environment must install the pyproject-local-kernel package. (“server side”)
  • The notebook projects install ipykernel and the notebook dependencies (“client side”)

Note that code natively supports just using a directory local virtualenv for notebooks, such as Rye or Uv's .venv or similar. For this reason pyproject-local-kernel does not matter so much in this case, it's mainly useful for JupyterLab!

Does it work with with Pipenv?

  1. Add ipykernel to the environment packages
  2. Configure the python run command in local pyproject file
python-cmd = ["env", "PIPENV_IGNORE_VIRTUALENVS=1", "pipenv", "run", "python"]

How change environment variables for the kernel?

For example in Rye you can set environment variables for scripts, and you can configure pyproject-local-kernel to use the script for its kernel invocation.

Here is an example (the name kernelpython is arbitrary).

python-cmd = ["rye", "run", "kernelpython"]

cmd = ["python"]


Other project managers have similar features (PDM, at least).

Does Pyproject Local Kernel work with Papermill?

Yes it does.

Pyproject Local Kernel relies on jupyter's working directory: the working directory is always the same as the notebook's location - and it will work as long as you run papermill the same way, using its --cwd argument.

You can install papermill and pyproject-local-kernel in a separate environment, and run each notebook in its own pyproject environment with its dependencies this way.

Isn't There a Less Complicated Way to Do It?

Yes, there kind of is a way.

If you install the following kernelspec, you can use uv run as the environment manager for your notebooks. You don't hardcode a virtual environment path, but you hardcode that you're using uv run.

This example does more or less the same as what pyproject-local-kernel does, but without the indirections (and without the error handling).

  "argv": ["uv", "run", "--with", "ipykernel", "python", "-m", "ipykernel_launcher", "-f", "{connection_file}"],
  "display_name": "Uv Run Ipykernel",
  "language": "python",
  "metadata": {
    "debugger": true