Trait complexfloat::ComplexFloat [] [src]

pub trait ComplexFloat: Add<Output=Self> + Add<Self::Real, Output=Self> + Sub<Output=Self> + Sub<Self::Real, Output=Self> + Div<Output=Self> + Div<Self::Real, Output=Self> + Mul<Output=Self> + Mul<Self::Real, Output=Self> + Copy + Zero + One + PartialEq + Display + Debug + From<Self::Real> + 'static + Send + Sync where Self::Real: FloatMore {
    type Real;
    fn is_complex() -> bool;
    fn real(&self) -> Self::Real;
    fn imag(&self) -> Self::Real;
    fn from_real_imag(x: Self::Real, y: Self::Real) -> Self;
    fn norm(&self) -> Self::Real;
    fn conj(&self) -> Self;
    fn arg(&self) -> Self::Real;
    fn powf(&self, Self::Real) -> Self;
    fn pow(&self, Self) -> Self;
    fn sqrt(&self) -> Self;
    fn exp(&self) -> Self;
    fn ln(&self) -> Self;
    fn sin(&self) -> Self;
    fn cos(&self) -> Self;
    fn tan(&self) -> Self;
    fn asin(&self) -> Self;
    fn acos(&self) -> Self;
    fn atan(&self) -> Self;
    fn sinh(&self) -> Self;
    fn cosh(&self) -> Self;
    fn tanh(&self) -> Self;
    fn asinh(&self) -> Self;
    fn acosh(&self) -> Self;
    fn atanh(&self) -> Self;
    fn is_nan(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_finite(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_infinite(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_normal(&self) -> bool;

A trait for f32, f64, Complex<f32>, Complex<f64> together.

The associated type Real points to the float type (either f32 or f64).

The idea behind this trait is to treat f32, f64 as representing the real subset of the complex numbers.

The rule should be that if let x: f32, then x and Complex::new(x, 0.) behave the same way under the methods of this trait.

Associated Types

Type of the real and imaginary parts (a floating point type).

Required Methods

Create ComplexFloat from real part x and imaginary part y.

y is ignored if not applicable.

Return the norm of the number, which is it magnitue as a complex number
